9 October 2018: Editotial

9 October 2018: Editotial

Kia Ora Friends!

Change is in the air! Please allow me to introduce myself. I am the new President of the Postgraduate Students’ Association of Victoria University of Wellington. A new representative means doing things in a new way.

Collaborate with other services

The focus of Postgraduate Students’ Association has always been to foster student community building, represent student concerns in the various university committees and promote excellence within the postgraduate community. However, it is also important to spread awareness about primary and auxiliary services available for students on campus because only when students are informed can they make empowered choices. Therefore, the PGSA will make every effort to collaborate and endorse other student organisations and services on campus so as to help postgrads in a more holistic way.

Advocacy issues

As a postgraduate student myself, it is imperative for me to champion causes that acutely affect the postgrad student community. So, it is only obvious for me to work towards attaining better scholarships for postgraduate students, attending to the accommodation woes, raising mental health and wellbeing concerns, spreading awareness about sexual harassment and insisting on quality services for students with families and international students. I want to work towards building trust and cooperation on our university campus: promote an environment where student wellbeing is the paramount driving force. In order to create a culture of openness and transparency, it is vital to establish avenues for students to speak up without fear. For PGSA to succeed in any of these areas, it needs the wholehearted support of the postgraduate student community – meaning, YOU!

Your participation matters

Will you be a part of this change? Will you help the PGSA embrace change? Please consider joining, volunteering and participating in our advocacy, representation and community building activities. Your support will make all the difference.

Write to me, if you have any thoughts or comments. I’d love to hear from you.

Ngā Manaakitanga

Priyanka Roy, President, Postgraduate Students’ Association

10 November 2018: Editorial

10 November 2018: Editorial

8 September 2018: Editorial

8 September 2018: Editorial