We are here to ensure you have the best academic experience at Victoria University of Wellington.
We are here to ensure you have the best academic experience at Victoria University of Wellington.
Maxwell Fobi Kontor
Mariel Lettier
The VUW PGSA reps in Te Here Tāura Rangahau are VUW PGSA Executive member Maxwell Fobi Kontor (maxwell.fobikontor@vuw.ac.nz) and the VUW PGSA Vice President (Advocacy), Mariel Lettier (mariel.lettier@vuw.ac.nz).
Theora Dang
The VUW PGSA reps in Ōrauariki are:
Faculty Board: Arindam Rakshit (rakshiarin@myvuw.ac.nz)
Student Hui: Theora Dang (dangtheo@myvuw.ac.nz).
Mariia Fedorova
The VUW PGSA rep in Te Wāhanga Ahunui Pūkaha is Mariia Fedorova (mdpogorelova@gmail.com).
Is your faculty not listed here? That’s probably because we don’t currently have a postgraduate rep for your faculty. This makes us sad. Have you considered becoming a faculty rep? Please let us know if you’re interested! Training and support is available. To discuss becoming a postgraduate rep for your faculty, please e-mail pgsa@vuw.ac.nz.
If you need immediate help for issues in a faculty for which the VUW PGSA doesn’t currently have a rep, please contact Te Aka Tauira/the VUWSA faculty delegate for your faculty. These faculty delegates look after all students, not just undergraduates. You can find Te Aka Tauira faculty delegates at VUWSA FACULTY DELEGATES.